How to Detox From Toxic Mold Exposure in Your Home

Are you dealing with toxic mold in your home? Mold exposure can be detrimental to yours and your family's health. Read on to hear how we are healing and detoxing from toxic mold exposure in our home.

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SO many people are dealing with toxic mold in their homes! Are you one of them?

Thankfully, many people are becoming more aware of the issues the presence of mold in their homes may present to theirs and their family’s health. If you’ve dealt with toxic mold in your home, does my story sound anything like yours?

Read on to hear how we navigated the situation and are healing and detoxing from toxic mold exposure.

Our Experience with Toxic Mold

We live in a mountain town in Mexico where it is rainy season for half of the year. In August, we found mold in the house we are renting and have been living in. This was during hurricane season, so we were getting an exceptional amount of rain. Additionally, the house we are living in – while only a few years old, was not built with damp-proofing in mind.

By the time we found it when we returned home from a trip, it had likely been growing (damp rise, that started from the trim – we found it once above a couch and close to the window) for months prior.

We had been baffled as to why our daughter’s candida rashes had been coming back, but I told myself it was because we were due for another cleanse, having been indulging quite a bit in sugary treats with family visits to us in our new home (mold/mycotoxin toxicity triggers candida reactions in the body).

But then, rashes took over her entire body in a way they NEVER had done before… once we discovered it, we knew it was the mold causing the reaction in our girl.

We had our landlord remove two entire pieces of drywall with black mold, so we thought everything would be okay. We had been treating our daughter in various holistic ways and even caved to giving her antibiotics because the situation got SO bad (I have a firm boundary against giving her antibiotics especially with her previous gut imbalances – so you know it had to have been pretty bad for me to agree to this). However, her body very quickly communicated to us to cease the antibiotics via diarrhea in just a few days.

Then, the night before my Detox While Breastfeeding: Myths & Truths webinar (you can sign up to watch the replay here), my husband Nelson and my daughter both began presenting with respiratory symptoms. I guess my adrenaline kept my own symptoms at bay for another 12 hours, and then my own throat started getting really scratchy and painful.

The 3 of us rarely get sick, so Nelson and I immediately knew to check the house for more mold. We pulled out a flashlight and began searching, and what we found terrified us – there was mold spreading throughout many wooden beams and furniture in the kitchen, our office, and elsewhere in the house! We even found mold growing on window panes and our silver bed canopy.

The First Step

We knew we needed to get out of the house immediately to cease our exposure to the toxic mold.

Luckily, our landlord had a casita we could stay in last minute, so we left to sleep in a different environment and in just 12 short hours, we already began to feel SO much better. It’s amazing how quickly our bodies begin detoxing once we remove interference and allow it to do what it is already great at doing! We ended up relocating to a friend’s casita in town for another 2.5 weeks while our home was remediated.

I cannot stress enough how important it is for you to remove yourself from the moldy environment if this is a problem you are facing. In order for your body to be able to begin detoxing efficiently, you must begin to decrease the burden of the toxic load. This can only be done by removing the mold exposure – and the best way to do so is to leave the moldy home entirely.

I know this is often the most difficult part of the detoxing process, as it can be very stressful and expensive to relocate temporarily – or permanently – as your home is being remediated. If you are a renter, please know your renter’s rights when dealing with mold in your rental!

The Solution to Detoxing Mold – For the Whole Family

Being the intuition-led researcher that I am, I dove headfirst into discovering a solution for my family to begin detoxing from the mold exposure. My fierce mama-bear protective energy was driving me to find the most natural and effective solution for my sweet 2 year old daughter who had been suffering with rashes for a few months at that point.

I had recently been exploring different brands of fulvic minerals in an effort to heal all of our gut microbiomes and knew that they are effective in destroying candida and their biofilms (which are cleverly used to hide from your immune system). Upon deeper research, I learned that fulvic minerals detox virtually ALL toxins – even EMF radiation! – from your body, gently and safely. I already knew enough about fulvic minerals to know that my toddler could take them daily as well. However, with fulvic minerals (and shilajit, a similar, but different natural supplement) being such a trendy natural health product with more and more people learning of it’s vast benefits, I was in search of the absolute PUREST and HIGHEST QUALITY fulvic minerals I could source for my own family and recommend to my clients and community.

We have been taking Fulvic Acid Mineral Powder from Heart & Body Naturals for about 6 weeks now, and my research has been confirmed by my own personal experience. This is the absolute most pure and potent fulvic mineral product out there!

My daughter’s rashes are now completely healed, and she has daily bowel movements as well – which is a huge improvement for her! The fulvic powder is helping me detox the mold, my energy levels and my mental clarity are improving, and I have an overall feeling of increased vitality. My husband is also taking the fulvic powder to detox. We both are enjoying the multitude of benefits and know that this is the best choice we could make in preparation to conceive again in the near future (bonus: it’s great for fertility, too).

Learn more about the Fulvic Acid Mineral Powder I recommend HERE and download your FREE Fulvic: Get Started Guide (an instant download). I highly recommend this as the best detox tool for all moms and women in their childbearing years!

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions presented on this website are provided for informational and educational purposes only and do not substitute professional medical advice.

I encourage you to do your own research and take full responsibility for your own health. This means that you accept complete risk for any decisions you make regarding your health, your baby’s health, and your life.


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