Flawed Logic in a Common Myth: Detox While Breastfeeding

Read this blog FIRST if you’re interested in detoxing while breastfeeding!!!

***Read this blog FIRST if you’re interested in detoxing while breastfeeding!!!***

A Common Question from Breastfeeding Moms

If you are a breastfeeding mom, you’ve likely wondered – is it safe to detox while breastfeeding?

If this is something you’ve wondered, you’ve probably searched on the internet, only to find that “detoxing while breastfeeding is not safe” and that you should not do it. You may have even asked around in some mom or health related chat forums, only to hear other moms echoing back to you the same notion.

Word on the street about detox while breastfeeding is: detox will “dump toxins” into your breastmilk.

I actually LOVE this myth because it literally proves itself wrong! And, like all things in life, detoxing while breastfeeding is much more nuanced than this statement implies…

The Flawed Logic

Okay, so let’s think about this logically. First, we must acknowledge the basic premise that we live in a world where are are constantly exposed to and bombarded with toxins.

If you hypothetically were to somehow stop detoxing (which is impossible, as your body is literally a detox machine – this biological function cannot be paused or stopped), would your body not become filled with toxins?

So then, if toxins supposedly dump into your breastmilk while doing a detox… would not those same toxins also dump into your breastmilk if your body is becoming overloaded with toxins from not detoxing?!

In addition to the flawed logic of this argument, it is very important to fully understand the physiology of a breastfeeding woman’s body.

The Detox Pathways of the Body

There are differing schools of thought on how many detox pathways there are in the body, but it is generally agreed upon that there are 6 main detox pathways of the body: the liver, kidneys, digestive tract, skin, lymphatic system, and respiratory system. Additional pathways sometimes considered detox pathways are: blood, menstrual cycle, and the brain.

However, breastmilk is not considered or recognized as a detox pathway of the body. Furthermore, the body will always utilize the 6 main detox pathways of the body before ever allowing toxins to enter the breastmilk. Unless all of these detox pathways are clogged, this will not be the body’s first choice as it is intelligently designed to protect and nourish your baby.

This is why I stress supporting detox pathways and optimizing the gut microbiome before beginning any detox while breastfeeding regimen. It is also extremely important that you have the proper knowledge and guidance before embarking on any detox while breastfeeding journey.

When NOT to Detox While Breastfeeding

Flawed logic aside, I want to address this myth in it’s entirety. There are indeed situations in which toxins may enter the breastmilk. They are as follows:

  • Using any pharmaceutical: Pharmaceuticals are very strong, “quick fixes,” and the body often cannot handle the hard & fast nature of them – hence, detox pathways become overloaded, and the pharmaceuticals enter your breastmilk. And as in the example given below, in some cases anti-parasitic pharmaceuticals may cause parasites to exit via the breastmilk, as well.
    • An example: A friend told me how she took Ivermectin while breastfeeding, and her naturopath analyzed her breastmilk afterwards to find parasites in it. The intense nature of the pharmaceutical caused parasites to exit in any way they could, including her breastmilk.
      This is why LOW & SLOW + detox pathway support is the only method I utilize & recommend.

  • Other “hard & fast” detox methods: Taking capsules of anti-parasitic herbs in which you cannot control the dosage of.
    • A woman shared with me that she took capsules of wormwood, a very strong anti-parasitic herb, which I do not recommend for breastfeeding women. This resulted in her breasts becoming sore and her toddler complaining of a stomach ache.
      This is why I only recommend the use of tinctures, so you can control your dosage, beginning with the smallest possible dose and increasing ever so slowly. Always consult a knowledgeable herbalist or do your own extensive research before using herbs while breastfeeding.

  • When weaning: When actively weaning, your breast tissue goes through a restructuring process called involution. Your breast tissue has tight junctions similar to that of the blood-brain barrier or your intestinal tissue, which during involution become more loose. This is a situation in which toxins may enter the breastmilk.
    This is why I do not recommend any targeted detox protocol while actively weaning.

  • If proper measures are not taken to support detox pathways and heal the gut: Prior to any targeted detox protocol (heavy metal, candida, parasite), these two steps are essential.
    This is why my method focuses on detox pathway support and healing the gut microbiome as phase one.

Final Thoughts

YES, detoxing while breastfeeding can absolutely be done safely & successfully to achieve your health goals for yourself and your breastfeeding baby. However, an important caveat to note is that you should never embark on a detoxing while breastfeeding journey without proper guidance and support.

In order to safely and properly detox while breastfeeding, there are steps you must take first and certain guidelines you must follow. Furthermore, this process is most certainly always easier and more effective when done with guidance, support, and accountability!

DISCLAIMER: The information and opinions presented on this website are provided for informational and educational purposes only and do not substitute professional medical advice.

I encourage you to do your own research and take full responsibility for your own health. This means that you accept complete risk for any decisions you make regarding your health, your baby’s health, and your life.


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